About Me
My name is András Bánkuti,
I’m a photoreporter.
After secondary school, András Bánkuti gained a qualification in professional photography and then completed the Photojournalism course at the György Bálint Academy of Journalism. He has worked for several publications as a photo reporter and picture editor. He was Director of Photography between 1995–2015 for an economic weekly, HVG and is currently Editor-in- chief of Digitális Fotó Magazin. His photographs have been published beyond the Hungarian press, in The New York Times, The Guardian and Business Week.
In 1983, the International Association of Journalists presented him with the title “International Master of Press Photography” and he won the grand prize at the Interpress Photo Competition in 1991. He was the 1993 recipient of the Rudolf Balogh and Pulitzer Memorial prizes, and the Táncsics Mihály prize in 2010.
Publications: Győr Ballet (1999), Marginal Values (2003), People (2007).
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An interview with András Bánkuti with some of his photos has been published in Lens - the photography section of The New York Times. The title of the article is "Behind the Iron Curtain: ...
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